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Showing posts from November, 2017
GOD IS JEHOVAH-RAPHA “He said, “If you listen carefully to the Lord your God and do what is right in his eyes, if you pay attention to his commands and keep all his decrees, I will not bring on you any of the diseases I brought on the Egyptians, for I am the Lord, who heals you.””  ‭‭Exodus‬ ‭15:26‬ ‭NIV‬‬ In the original language, God said, "I am Yahweh-Rapha, the Lord who heals you." Rapha means "to mend, to cure, to repair, to make whole." When we read about healings done by Jesus and His disciples in the Bible, we wonder if it still work that way today? Healer is an integral part of God’s character. God cares about our spiritual, emotional and physical well being (Psalm 103). God wills only our good! Faith and obedience are required for God to work in our life! Expect great things from God! “When we do what we can do, God will do what we can’t! When we don’t do what we can, God will do what we can.” (Ben Francis, India). Don’t limit G...
  A HEART TOUCHED BY THE SPIRIT “No, a true Jew is one whose heart is right with God. And true circumcision is not merely obeying the letter of the law; rather, it is a change of heart produced by the Spirit. And a person with a changed heart seeks praise from God, not from people.” Romans   2:29   NLT Born in a family of believers and having much knowledge of the Bible may put you in an advantage position to know God than many who do not have these.  But without a heart touched by the Spirit, these two may indeed keep you in a pseudo-belief. You think (and believe) that you believe in God. Yet true believe is the matter of the heart, not our biological heritage nor our knowledge nor what we do for the church (make sure your service is to please God and not merely to make your church look good). Have your heart been touched by the Spirit? The sign is: your heart will always seek to please God and praise from Him alone, not people! ~pl...
Visi Surga vs Visi Dunia Enam hari sebelum Paskah, Yesus tiba di Betania dan tinggal di rumah sahabatnya Lazarus. Mujizat Yesus membangkitkan Lazarus dari kematian telah menarik perhatian khalayak ramai. Di dalam diri Yesus rakyat Israel yang tidak berdaya menghadapi penindasan pemerintah Romawi dan antek-anteknya menemukan secercah harapan. “Maut saja tidak berdaya terhadap Dia. Apa lagi yang mustahil untuk dilakukannya?”  Selain rakyat banyak, kaum Zelot yang sedang memperjuangkan kemerdekaan menemukan figur pemimpin yang ideal dalam diri Yesus. Mereka siap menobatkan Yesus sebagai pemimpin revolusi. Namun di sisi lain, para Farisi dan Guru Taurat yang selama ini menjadi antek pemerintah Romawi merasa tersaing. Mereka telah diberikan kepercayaan oleh Pemerintah Romawi untuk urusan tradisi dan religi Yahudi dan memimpin bagaikan raja kecil dengan Taurat Musa di tangan. Melihat pengaruh dan karisma Yesus, kaum Farisi dan Ahli Taurat takut kalau-kalau orang banyak aka...
“BECOMING A DISCIPLE-MAKING CHURCH” Matt 28: 18 – 20 & 1 John 2: 6—Preacher: Ps Paw Liang In my visit to Shechem in 2015, our tour guide told us that the whole population of Samaria only 700 people. Since they did not marry people from other ethnic groups, they have produced unhealthy offspring. Thankfully the High Priest has amended their law and allowed them to marry men or women from other ethnic groups. Likewise, the church might have unknowingly focus too much on the internal affairs (become incestuous) and forgot Jesus’s commission: Go, and make disciples of all nations. The early church were growing well. Acts 2 shows us they were keen in learning the word of God, worshipping and praying together, enjoying the favour of each other. Their lives attract people to Christ, “praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.”  Jesus calls us to become His disciples and to make disciples. Discip...
Hospitality: Welcoming All the People   (1 Thessalonians 1:1-10—Preacher: Ps Paw Liang) This opening tells us much about hospitality both in Paul’s and the Thessalonians believers’ life. What does it mean to be truly welcoming, receiving all people and their gifts, even as we serve a living and true God and wait for the coming again of Christ in final glory?  Paul wrote this letter to comfort and encourage the church he had founded (Acts 17) in facing adversities and persecutions. He started by affirming and recognizing the gifts of the Thessalonians: your work produced by faith, your labor prompted by love, and your endurance inspired by hope in our Lord Jesus Christ . Paul also about God's love for them by giving them the salvation in Jesus Christ.  The church isn’t perfect, but Paul chose to see the people through the lenses of God’s grace—to see them as the gifts from God.  What’s more natural for you:  To give words of affirmation and appre...
One Spirit, One Vision, One Move Ephesians 4:1-6—Ps Paw Liang The Ephesians came from different background: Jewish and gentiles (Greek, Romans etc), slaves and masters, men and women. Like churches today, they are struggling to become a body of Christ. Paul wrote to remind all believers: “to live a life worthy of the calling you have received (v1).” He urged, “make every efforts to preserve thespirit of unity through the bond of peace.” (v3). Unity is not natural for our fallen nature. Our propensity is more natural for division. We need to be reminded. Paul urged us to keep the unity of the spirit. Jesus prayed for us (John 17). The Unity of the bond of peace, a true peace of Christ that will foster growth. Such a peace is only possible by the work of the Holy Spirit in us “for we were all baptized by one Spirit into one body (1 Cor 12:13). Beware ofthe spirit of Satan that lead us to “peace-faking” when we pretend all are alright, avoiding problems, never quarrel, never dis...
Igniting the Spirit-Rekindling the Passion (Romans 12:9-13—Preacher: Ps Paw Liang) The Holy Spirit in us . Acts 2:38 tells us that whoever repent and believe in Jesus will receive the Holy Spirit. The question perhaps how much do we let the Holy Spirit to lead us? Or we may take the Holy Spirit just like a venerable guest and putting Him as the Very Important Person in our life yet never let the Spirit to empower our own spirit! We may live our life depending on our own stren gth and knowledge. We often assume that going to church, attending Bible Study or even taking part in church activities may make us spiritual. The Holy Spirit and our spirit Our spiritual life doesn’t start by our “many doings” in the church. It starts with our relationship with God! God has done His part by giving us the Holy Spirit—in Romans Paul, reminds us, to keep the spiritual fervor! We have to do our part! Like other relationship, we need to stay in love with God. God loves never change! Often ...
GOD IS ALL-POWERFUL (OMNIPOTENT) Praying The Names and Attributes of God And looking at them Jesus said to them, "With people this is impossible, but with God all things are possible." Matthew 19:26 What is the biggest problem you are faving? Did you turn to the Lord in prayer? God is in control over the universe! He is the all-powerful Creator! God can do all things! We can trust Him! Depend on Him! And put our hope in Him! Paul said, “ God is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,” Ephesians‬ ‭3:20‬ ‭NIV‬‬ The limit of God’s power is His Character! God is all-loving! God is good! He can’t do what is evil! But He can turn evil into something good! Nothing is too hard for Him! Jer 32:27 Therefore we can bring all our concerns to Him! Nothing is too hard for him! Eugene L. Clark, was a very talented pianist before his fingers were crippled by arthritis and later also became blind. When it fina...
GOD IS GOOD Praying—The Names and Attributes of God “I say to the LORD, “You are my Lord; apart from you I have no good thing.”” ‭‭Psalm‬ ‭16:2‬ ‭NIV‬‬ What is God like? Our understanding and concept of God will shape what kind of people (believers) we are! The Bible tells us the LORD, our God is good! The word “good” means—God is kindhearted, gracious, good-natured and good (benevolent) in intention. God is perfectly good. Our goodness often depend on the circumstances around us; the way people treat us or by our mood / feeling. But God has no bad mood and He never fails to be kind. He was, He is and always be good! Because His nature is good. He alone is the Source of goodness! Nothing can alter his goodness—to be more or less kindhearted! God is good to us! He gives us only what is good. (Mat 7:11) Not because we’re good! Out of His goodwill, He created us in His own image so He can share His character—His goodness with us! (Gen 1:27, 31). Though sin had snapped it a...
Praying Together & Intercession  (John 17:6-26—Preacher: Ps Paw Liang) John 17 shows us not just the contents of Jesus’ prayer but His heart as well. He pray for His disciples, His followers who had a direct interaction with Him: Verse 11b Holy Father, protect them by the power of your name ... so they may be one. Verse 13 they may have the full measure of my joy within them. Verse 15 protect them from the evil one. Verse 17 sanctify them by the truth, your word is truth. And for all believers, all who will believe in Jesus’ through the disciples’ massage: Verses 20-23 all of them (believers) may be one … complete unity… Verse 24 to have the glory of Christ; verses 25-26 God’s love will remain in all believers. Jesus interceded for His disciples and all who will come to believe in Him, including us—driven by His love and concern. And He is unceasingly interceding for us even until now (Heb 7:25 Rom8:34). What is intercession? If we truly love people; we desire for t...