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One Spirit, One Vision, One Move
Ephesians 4:1-6—Ps Paw Liang

The Ephesians came from different background: Jewish and gentiles (Greek, Romans etc),
slaves and masters, men and women. Like churches today, they are struggling to become a body of Christ. Paul wrote to remind all believers: “to live a life worthy of the calling you have received (v1).” He urged, “make every efforts to preserve thespirit of unity through the bond of peace.” (v3).

Unity is not natural for our fallen nature. Our propensity is more natural for division. We need to be reminded. Paul urged us to keep the unity of the spirit. Jesus prayed for us (John 17).

The Unity of the bond of peace, a true peace of Christ that will foster growth. Such a peace is only possible by the work of the Holy Spirit in us “for we were all baptized by one Spirit into one body (1 Cor 12:13). Beware ofthe spirit of Satan that lead us to “peace-faking” when we pretend all are alright, avoiding problems, never quarrel, never disagree. Or the other extreme, peace-breaking: back-biting, gossip, attacking and putting down each other.

The Trinity—Father, Son and the Holy Spirit is our role model—that all of them may be one, Father, just as you are in me and I am in you. May they also be in us so that the world may believe that you have sent me (John 17:21). As His people, His children, we need to reflect the Character of our God. Church should become the role model ofunity for humanity. Paul listed down 4 of the 9 fruits of the Spirit as the instruments to live in unity as the body of Christ.

When unity is hard, BE HUMBLE. Put aside everything and come to His Throne of Grace. Spend more time, discerning to the Spirit in prayer and in the Word of God. Let God reveal His heart to us! Let His Spirit breath in us leading us to the way and the will of God. That’s why we chose the theme, keeping in step with the Spirit so we will learn to be led by the Spirit.

Unity doesn’t come easily. We need to make efforts to preserve it:

1. To know and to learn the nature of interpersonal relationship in church and at home. This is part of the Greatest Commandment — to grow in a loving relationship with one another.

2. To know and to exercise the qualities that preserve it! Take time to unlearn and relearn the fruits of theSpirit. To understand it in God’s (Bible’s term) not in “my term”, “your term” may be not even in the church term: what is humility, gentleness, kind, patience, love, joy, peace, goodness, faithfulness, and self-control—according to God. And start practice it. Let the Spirit enable you. I can’t but the Spirit can.

3. Making effort to achieve it.
Live a life worthy of the calling—keeping in step with the Spirit. Let the Spirit affirm God’s vision for us, individually and as a church—moving together towards His vision. When diversions come, Remember! God is there for us, ready to re-direct us towards His vision. Be humble. Put aside everything. Spend time to discern where theSpirit is leading and faithfully follow as the Spirit leads!


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