Igniting the Spirit-Rekindling the Passion
(Romans 12:9-13—Preacher: Ps Paw Liang)
(Romans 12:9-13—Preacher: Ps Paw Liang)

The Holy Spirit and our spirit
Our spiritual life doesn’t start by our “many doings” in the church. It starts with our relationship with God! God has done His part by giving us the Holy Spirit—in Romans Paul, reminds us, to keep the spiritual fervor! We have to do our part! Like other relationship, we need to stay in love with God. God loves never change! Often we take it for granted and do not carefully give time to nurture our relationship with God. May God awaken our soul and help us to be more responsive and attune as the Holy Spirit! Only the Spirit of God will help us to understand the things and thoughts of God--even the deep things of God. (1 Cor 2:6-16). The presence of the Holy Spirit does not negate our abilities. Rather the Holy Spirit will enhance our abilities (knowledge, judgement, sensing, intuition) and help us to discern and understand things of God.
Our spiritual life doesn’t start by our “many doings” in the church. It starts with our relationship with God! God has done His part by giving us the Holy Spirit—in Romans Paul, reminds us, to keep the spiritual fervor! We have to do our part! Like other relationship, we need to stay in love with God. God loves never change! Often we take it for granted and do not carefully give time to nurture our relationship with God. May God awaken our soul and help us to be more responsive and attune as the Holy Spirit! Only the Spirit of God will help us to understand the things and thoughts of God--even the deep things of God. (1 Cor 2:6-16). The presence of the Holy Spirit does not negate our abilities. Rather the Holy Spirit will enhance our abilities (knowledge, judgement, sensing, intuition) and help us to discern and understand things of God.
Give it all.
In respond to God’s love, Paul urges us “to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship” (12:1). And to renew our minds—shifting from the way of the world to the way of God (v2). The way of God including living in the body of Christ (being part of the church) and making the way of the Lord know to the world as we live out our faith as His people.
In respond to God’s love, Paul urges us “to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship” (12:1). And to renew our minds—shifting from the way of the world to the way of God (v2). The way of God including living in the body of Christ (being part of the church) and making the way of the Lord know to the world as we live out our faith as His people.
Loving others and spiritual fervor.
When our heart is in tune with God’s heart, we begin to feel His heartbeat. Loving God then means we will love what God loves. We will share His concern for people. Loving God and loving people go in parallel. These are the foundations in which other teachings or commandments stand on. In His final speech, Jesus once again gave us the new command, “love one another as how I have loved you” (John 13:34-35).
As Jesus’ disciples, let us uphold one another and be devoted to one another in love. The first step, let’s learn to love and uphold one another through our “Growing in Grace” group. Second, practice hospitality—making attempt to know and to welcome each other. Start with prayer! As we practice, God will enlarge the space in our hearts to welcome and more people to join our church community!
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