How do you know that you’re saved? Who is Jesus to you? A Theologian who was converted from other religion told about his conversion story. Each time he visited graveyards, he was intrigued by the words on gravestone. The Moslem writes, “semoga amal dan ibadah diterima di sisi Allah” (may the good works and service (worship) be accepted at the side of God. Whereas Christians’ write, “Telah kembali ke rumah Bapa di sorga” (Has returned to the Father’s home in heaven). One will depend if your charity will be enough to gain heaven. But the other one has the assurance they will be accepted at the Father’s home. There is an assurance in Jesus' name!
Jesus Christ of Nazareth is fully human and fully God.
The name of Jesus comes with power: it’s not enough to believe, we need to claim and live on that power as what John and Peter did. The power of Jesus enabled them to do what Jesus has done—to heal the lame and boldly proclaim the salvation in Jesus. The results was astonishing yet threatening for the religious leaders. (v6).
They asked, "By what power or by what name did you do this [heal the lame beggar]?” (v7) ..".It’s by the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth, whom you crucified but now God raised from the dead, (10b)." Peter emphasised "Jesus Christ of Nazareth" to testify that He was the man from Nazareth who lived and had been crucified and raised by God in history of humanity.
To call upon the name of Jesus” also speaks to his power, that now residing through the work of the Holy Spirit in the disciples. And to claim the name of Jesus is to do / to continue what Jesus has done. The question for us: Do we believe that this same power, the power given by the Holy Spirit in the name of Jesus, that enabled Peter to heal the lame beggar, now resides in us? Do we believe that claiming that name and that power is our path to salvation? It’s not just about saying the name, but also claiming the same power?
We ofthen think of the power only in terms of phenomenal actions like healing of the lame, raising the death, but the power not only work in phenomenal actions. The power of the resurrection lives and works in us, who believe in Jesus, enabling us to talk, to act, to live, to love and to relate with others just like Jesus in our daily life.
Likewise, Timothy Keller (the famous preacher from Redeemer Church) also states, ""Every religion has a prophet who is pointing people to God. Jesus is the one who says, “I am God and I am coming to find you."

Salvation is a gift, given to us, by Jesus. We come to God as who we are regardless of our past. As we surrender our sins (repent) and accept His atonement (His sacrifice), let His blood cleansed us so that we can enter the gate of salvation and tracing the path to heaven. At the same time, His Spirit begins to lives in us, the Holy Spirit gives us the power to live like Jesus. The power that once lived in Jesus, now lives in us enabling us to live like Jesus. Whoever claims to live in Jesus, they must walk like Jesus walked. (1 John 2:6).

The second picture tells us that some people believes we can earn salvation with all our charities, worship, good deeds, etc. So if the good outweighs the bad (sins) we may be prove good enough for heaven. Salvation is depend on our efforts. But, will we ever be good enough?
"No one is good--except God alone." (Mark 10:18) There is no good in us. But we who believe in Jesus, once He cleansed us, God will pour upon us His grace, His goodness--His goodness will compel us to do good to others. Our worship and kindness towards others no longer serve as means to impress God and gain His favour or heaven. But they comes out as our gratitude to God. The love of God that flowing in us, compel us to do the same to other people. Enable us to adore Jesus and aspire us to want to be like Him. To love as He loved, To serve as He served. Helping us eventually to grow into the character of Jesus Christ.
Let the grace of your baptism bear fruit in a path of salvation (original: holiness). Let everything be open to God, turn to him in every situation. Do not be dismayed, for the power of the Holy Spirit who once lived in Jesus, now also resides in you. The Holy Spirit will enables you to do what Jesus has done, to bear fruits of the Spirit. When you feel the temptation to dwell on your own weakness, raise your eyes to Christ crucified and say: “Lord, I am a poor sinner, but you can work the miracle of making me a little bit better. (Pope Francis, Rejoice and Be Glad)
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