GIVING YOU BEST TO GOD (John 12:1-19—Ps Paw Liang) Entering Jerusalem, Jesus knew what He will be facing. He was troubled yet He continue to be obedient to fulfill the mission (14:27-28). He gave His best! He gave His life to God. Likewise in this scene we see this devoted family, giving their best to Jesus. Despite the threats by the religious leaders who seek to kill Jesus, Mary, Martha and Lazarus welcome Jesus to their house. In the room there were Jesus’ disciples’, guests, and the hosts. People seeking Jesus with different motives and for different purposes. The disciples perhaps hoping one day, they, too, would become rabbis. The guests might be curious after seeing Lazarus resurrected from death and quietly hoping to gain some benefit from Jesus. For the hosts, their hearts were full with gratitude. Jesus indeed their Saviour. Try to identify, which one would be closer to you? Each one of the siblings gave their best according to their gifts and abilities...
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