“BECOMING A CARING CHURCH” Mark 12:30-31—1 John 4:7-21—Preacher: Ps Paw Liang The hurricane in Texas reveal to us some darkside of the church. Many churches immediately responded to the need yet still some others are more obssesed to know how Lakewoord Church or Joel Osteen would respon to the calamities. The uncaring people have some of these symptoms: 1. Uncaring people are self-centred. In the parable of the Good Samaritan, the priest and the Levite were busy and considered themselves as important. Perhaps their minds were absorbed with their jobs in the Temple. They didn’t want anyone to interrupt their plans. Thus fail to care for those who are hurting. 2. Uncaring people are too hurried. How often we failed to listen to the concerns of others because we are simply too busy. 3. Uncaring people are too isolated. We may make small talk and speak superficially because we are afraid of gettin...
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