BE WISE AS HEARERS AS WELL AS DOERS (James 1:21-27; 2:14-16—Ps Paw Liang) The issues in this text: the people failed to listen and to learn from God’s word therefore there was no connection between their belief and the way they lived. Three things involved from hearing God’s word to living our God’s word: 1. Good listening (v.19) We listen for various reasons: to obtain information/knowledge, to kill time, for enjoyment, for learning or to listen for life? The Lord requires us to listen to His Word for life, to let the word of God shape and nourish us, to be the bedrock of our life! To save you ...The challenge is how to listen well? The ancient Chinese character “ 聽” ( ting) reminds us: to listen with our ears as well as our eyes, and heart, with an undivided attention as if we’re listening to a king. Second challenge, to listen with a clear purpose, ... and humbly accept the word planted in you, which can save you. To listen for “life”, for the abundant li...
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