HE ALSO WORKS IN THE MOST UNLIKELY PLACE But I want you to know, brethren, that the things which happened to me have actually turned out for the furtherance of the gospel , (Philippians 1:12 NKJV) W e only see a glimpse of life, but God sees the whole picture. Being in difficult situation (or solitary in jail) like Paul, may feel like hell sometimes. But God works in all circumstances! Instead of regretting the hours he had to spend in prison, Paul used the opportunity to share the good news of salvation to the prison guards and writing letters to exhort and encourage the fledgling churches in Asia and Europe. He spent more than two years in prison (Acts 24:26-27: 28:30). I believe these are some of those most productive and fruitful years of Paul's life in such an unlikely place. Where are you now? Do you feel restricted to exercise your gifts, to enrich your life and others for the furtherance of the Gospel? Think of Paul! God can work in you and through you...
Paw Liang's Blog