Rethinking Worship ~ Psalm 145 By Paw Liang The What is worship? Some people will relate worship with sermons. In some places, people will come to church mainly for Holy Communion. Some churches believe that worship is a time to win more souls for Christ so there must be an altar call in every worship service. For many young people today, worship is similar to music and praises that will create a certain atmosphere or emotion to make the worshippers feel good and lead them into God’s presence. Those who are focused on ‘seekers’ will try to add more entertainment and make the worship services look fun and enjoyable. What is worship? What does worship mean to you? First and foremost, the act of worship is not the most important. We can do anything in worship, but worship is ultimately about God. It takes place when our spirits feel at home in God’s presence. As such, we can draw out some characteristics of true worship: Worship is determined by our relationship w...